§ 8-3017-5. Public hearing on proposed amendment.  

Latest version.
  • Before an amendment to this ordinance is enacted, a public hearing on the amendment shall be held. At least 15 days but not more than 45 days prior to the date of the hearing, the building inspector shall file a notice of public hearing which shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. Such notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the hearing together with the location of the property, the present zoning classification of the property and the proposed zoning classification of the property.

    The Sylvania city council shall conduct this public hearing. The mayor shall preside at said hearing and shall observe the following procedures:


    In order for a person in attendance to speak, the mayor must first recognize such person. Upon rising to speak the person recognized will first identify himself. The mayor may also request that such person furnish a home or business address, [as] appropriate.


    The person speaking will be allowed two minutes to express opinions and make points on each separate element of the proposed revisions which he wishes to address, with a maximum total of ten minutes allowed per person.


    When elements that attendees wish to discuss have been addressed and all arguments relative to each element have been made, the clerk will, from notes he has made, restate each point, one at a time, and the attendees will be asked for a show of hands of those who support that same point, thus allowing each person an effective voice. A count of the supporters will be recorded by the clerk.

    The Sylvania city council shall take final action on the passage of said amendment on or before the third regularly scheduled council meeting following the public hearing. A copy of the public hearing procedures as well as a copy of policies and factors to be considered in rezoning procedures shall be made available to all members of the general public.